10/16/2020 / By Ethan Huff
Not long after the New York Post published its bombshell article exposing Joe and Hunter Biden as treasonous criminals who belong in Guantanamo rather than on the campaign trail, Silicon Valley came to the rescue of these two swamp creatures by censoring the Post piece as “misinformation.”
Just like they do with pretty much all other content that exposes key deep state players for engaging in criminal activity, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have been working overtime ever since the article broke to ensure that as few Americans as possible are able to find and access it, seeing as how its contents are more than enough to tank Biden’s bid for the presidency.
As of this writing, users of these three platforms – Facebook and Twitter specifically, seeing as how Instagram revolves around imagery – are prohibited from sharing the Post piece directly. If they try, a message pops up explaining that the information contained in the article is “unsafe” and lacking in “authoritative information.”
Perhaps they mean information approved by authoritarians, as the emails and other evidence contained in the Post article speak for themselves, revealing that Joe and Hunter Biden conspired to run a criminal racket while the elder Biden served as vice president under Barack Obama – this being a fact, not speculation.
According to Facebook and Twitter, however, this is fake news that is unworthy to be shared or allowed to cross the digital nexus. It is so fake, in fact, that the gods of Silicon Valley cannot even allow you to decide for yourself if there is any merit to be had – this is sarcasm, by the way.
“Censoring speech to silence political opponents is what you’d expect from countries like China, North Korea, or Iran,” tweeted House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) about the criminal racket of the censorship-loving tech giants. “Not American companies like Twitter and Facebook – against one of the nation’s largest newspapers. #StopTheBias!!!”
It is the same thing that Twitter and Facebook are doing to stories and content that tell the truth about Kyle Rittenhouse, the widely maligned teen patriot who, contrary to the prevailing leftist narrative, shot a convicted pedophile and sex offender in self-defense. (RELATED: Check out our exclusive on how even ostensibly Christian organizations are lying about Rittenhouse to push their fake social justice narratives.)
Further, Facebook is already planning to censor the election results should they favor Donald Trump, and is busy grooming its users to accept a contested election that could drag on for weeks or even months with no “consensus.”
Even talk about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is now completely off-limits on social media, unless of course it parrots the official government narrative that the only “cure” is to wear a mask and wait for a vaccine in solitary confinement.
Several years ago, we never could have imagined the censorship agenda going this far and getting this bad. As you may recall, it all began with a few censored stories here and there, followed by the president himself getting censored, followed by the mass censorship we are now seeing of the New York Post, a widely circulated news source read by millions of people.
Where does it all end, we have to ask ourselves? At what point does the censorship stop, or does it ever stop? Rep. McCarthy is right: America has become North Korea in a matter of just a few short years, and many liberals, perhaps not shockingly, are cheering it all on.
Something tells us that liberals will not be so gleeful about shutting up their political opposition once the pendulum swings in the other direction, but that is a topic for another article.
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Tagged Under: Big Tech, Censorship, Covid-19 remedies, election, Facebook, Instagram, Kyle Rittenhouse, Silicon Valley, Trump Victory, Twitter