News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Americans get 90 DAYS IN JAIL for simply keeping their businesses OPEN during the scamdemic, while Walmart, McDonald’s, Amazon rake in a fortune
A judge in Minnesota just sentenced a woman to 90 days in jail for “violating” the governor’s COVID-19 indoor service ban during the scamdemic. Thou shall not make money during the China Flu crisis unless you are a high-ranking member of a huge corporation (at the top of the food chain). Though quarantines, lockdowns and […]
By S.D. Wells
COVID COMMUNISM: CNN lead propagandist, “doctor” Leana Wen, says unvaccinated people should NOT be allowed to travel in US from state to state (op-ed)
(Op-ed) It’s a privilege to travel in the US, says CNN’s favorite communist doctor. You have no right to go anywhere unless Joe Biden, Fauci and Leana Wen all agree you can. This is communism growing quickly in America. Only the rich and elite, who make the insane rules for Covid, are allowed to have […]
By S.D. Wells
Always use DuckDuckGo as your search engine for health and safety topics, never Google, and here’s why
Most Americans are very frustrated with the medical establishment right now, whether they are vaccinated for Covid or not. The advice about masks seems contradictory every other week, and the news of perpetual Covid boosters forever is overwhelming. People want answers to tough questions, and they’re looking, but where? Where are they looking, is the […]
By S.D. Wells
THE GREAT ESCAPE from Australia’s COVID concentration death camps
If you live in the Northern Territory of Australia and you so much as walk near someone who is suspected of having Covid, you are immediately thrown into a concentration camp by the Australian SS police. It doesn’t matter if you test positive or negative for Covid, and it doesn’t matter if you’ve been vaccinated […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 ways most Americans were conned into getting Covid clot shots
Take just about any subject matter that is not related to health or safety and the mass media will cover it with great detail and often, honesty. That means up to 8 out of 10 “newsworthy” topics, whether local, regional or national, actually receive real reporting with real facts and real interviews. That’s the main reason […]
By S.D. Wells
World’s largest biometric digital ID program “Aadhaar” tracks medications, vaccines, purchases, and all movement of 1.3 billion people in India
Ever heard of Aadhaar, the massive people-tracking government ‘portal’ in India that tracks everything you buy, everywhere you go, and every medication that’s in your body? It’s all part of their new lawless “de facto” social credit system that uses algorithms and government/tech goons to determine if you are allowed to work, travel, buy food […]
By S.D. Wells
7 Hollywood celebrities who are REFUSING the Covid vaccines, and what they have to say about it
Most Americans don’t even realize that Hollywood engages in spreading misinformation about important health topics, including food, medicine and vaccines. These warped messages are hidden or out in plain sight during shows, movies, series, commercials and all over the celebrities’ social media sites. Everything any celebrity posts or says that is positive about Covid vaccines […]
By S.D. Wells
CDC’s Nazi-style re-education camps already planned for police and US government workers who refuse the Covid clot shots
The Biden regime is already planning to reeducate government workers and police who refuse the blood-clotting gene therapy shots for man-made Covid-19. The CDC’s Director Rochelle Walensky announced plans for rewiring the brains of anyone who thinks blood-clotting injections aren’t healthy and safe, using psychotherapy to alter the thinking of unvaccinated humans who are enslaved […]
By S.D. Wells
Southwest Airlines “Freedom Flyers” take a stand AGAINST the covid regime, but Resident Biden and mass media in total denial
We have reached a tipping point in America, where the only people left who have not received a Covid clot shot will not be getting one unless they are forced to do so by Resident Biden and the CCP-CDC vaccine complex. Currently, tens of millions of Americans are being extorted to get injected with the […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 US Government and CDC COVID-19 FAILS since the scamdemic began
For all the unvaccinated Americans watching the scamdemic dismantle, it’s just reassurance that natural immunity is the key to optimum functionality, in the short and long term. We are all witnessing, thanks to truth media, the vaccinated “sheeple” suffer new chronic ailments or “hyper” versions of what they’re already suffering from. Inflammation for the vaccinated […]
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