News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Fight for Medical Freedom: Senator Doug Mastriano of Pennsylvania is fighting the CDC’s latest draconian mandate for Covid jabs placed on the childhood vaccine schedule
By far, the CDC is the most insidious organization on planet earth. Like never before, innocent people across the country are experiencing health trauma and early death due to gene-mutating-injections that have been wrongly termed and labeled as Covid-19 “vaccines.” Tens of millions of citizens have stood their ground and denied these horrific nano-clot-shots, but […]
By S.D. Wells
Top media and entertainment stars who push back against Leftist-dominated Hollywood narratives, censorship
There is nothing Hollywood and mainstream media hate worse than celebrities and stars who speak the truth about massively important topics like censorship, elections, vaccines, and our constitutional liberties. For decades, Hollywood, Disney, and most celebrities toe the line when it comes to corrupt narratives that are fed to Americans through movies, shows, magazines, newspapers, […]
By S.D. Wells
How to permanently correct the broken voting system: Put serial numbers and watermarks on all voting ballots, just like we do with currency
Anyone in their “right” mind knows that sleepy Joe did not get 80 million legitimate votes for POTUS in 2020, as tens of millions of mail-in ballots magically appeared after the polls closed. Video cameras captured thousands of “mules” loading and reloading ballots (for Biden) into machines and drop boxes, and most likely ballots that […]
By S.D. Wells
BLACK MIRROR USA? Political criticism of Biden Regime now labeled “domestic terrorism” and punishable with indefinite prison time, just like in Communist China
Are you a political dissident? In China, if you criticize the government on social media, you can find yourself locked up in prison and involuntarily donating your organs for black market trading. In America, if you go anywhere near the Capital building in Washington DC to peacefully protest illegal ballot harvesting and the communist Biden […]
By S.D. Wells
It’s always OPPOSITE DAY for the LEFTISTS in America: Liberal means intolerant, anti-fascist means fascist, and equality means hate white people
When Antifa became a movement in America, most of the protesting they engaged in involved acts of violence, including riots, arson, assault, vandalism, theft, rape and murder. Their name, Antifa, is short for anti-fascist, yet, everything they stand for IS fascist. Antifa’s foundation is based on hatred, tyranny, intolerance, inequality and contempt for the Republic […]
By S.D. Wells
Court room backlog: Pandemic-driven lawsuits continue piling up for custody battles, job losses, domestic disputes, unjustified COVID vaccine mandates
Pandemic-related litigation has lead to more lawsuits and court filings than any other incident in US history, and there’s more to come. This litigation includes filings against insurers, against government regulations that affected businesses, domestic disputes and a variety of consumer activity. US states filing the most pandemic-related lawsuits include New York, California, Florida, Texas […]
By S.D. Wells
Most mass shooters are registered Democrats, not NRA members
It is very ironic that the politicians blame guns as the culprit of mass shootings when it’s almost always registered Democrats pulling the trigger. The Democrat politicians not only point the finger at the automatic or semi-automatic guns, but indirectly blame their own registered voters for the crimes, then try to illegally and unconstitutionally confiscate […]
By S.D. Wells
If masks are no longer needed in UK, why do they work in the USA? Does the virus know what continent it’s on?
If masks and vaccines really work, then the virus would be done here, and everywhere already, entering the endemic phase. Somehow, Covid seems to hate America, maybe for claiming independence from the UK, and has now sided with the UK. This news comes on the heels of Boris Johnson announcing the END of nearly ALL […]
By S.D. Wells
Nazi SS-Covid Police faced with justified backlash and standoff against women in Boston restaurant who had no vaccine passport and still ordered food for dining in
No human in Boston is allowed to buy or eat food at any indoor venue if they cannot show proof they have been injected with billions of toxic prions. Six females walked into a pizzeria in Boston and… the store manager called the Nazi SS-Covid Police to attempt to force them out, but it didn’t […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: America has completely caught up to the Chinese police state in terms of controlling, censoring, and punishing the populace for dissident behavior
The only way the Biden Regime had a chance of taking over the US government was with the help of Communist China. There was no other way to win (steal) the election and run the scamdemic in full swing. That meant having complete control of the mass media, all of social media, Google, YouTube, most […]
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