News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
Creatives push back against generative AI’s theft of their work and call on Big Tech to fairly compensate them
The rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked a collective outcry from authors, artists and internet publishers alike who see the generative AI phenomenon sweeping the globe as being built on their work. Companies that have created generative AI systems like OpenAI and Microsoft’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard are built by scraping oceans’ worth […]
By Arsenio Toledo
ATF has shut down nearly 2,000 gun stores since the implementation of its new “zero tolerance” policy
Thousands of gun sellers have been forced to shut down, thanks to the new “zero tolerance” policy of President Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). This is according to a lawsuit filed against the ATF and its “zero tolerance” policy by the pro-Second Amendment organization Gun Owners of America (GOA), which found through combing […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Say goodbye to your privacy: Use of digital IDs in American states is spreading rapidly
More and more states in the U.S. are implementing digital ID systems, raising more concerns that these digital systems could turn into backdoors for government surveillance and erode personal privacy. At least eight states already have state-sponsored apps where people can store their digital IDs. These include the Mobile ID app in Arizona, Delaware, Mississippi and Oklahoma […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Singapore now has the most powerful passport in the world – signifying the tiny nation’s healthy foreign relations and strong economy
The passport of Singapore has overtaken that of Japan’s as the world’s most powerful passport, according to the Henley Passport Index. The Henley Passport Index, published every quarter of the year by investment migration consulting firm Henley & Partners, ranks the travel freedoms enjoyed by the regular holders of passports from 199 countries. The index is […]
By Arsenio Toledo
CONFIRMED: State and local governments are passing laws and ordinances that ban gas stoves
State and local governments all over the United States are passing laws banning the installation of gas stoves in new residences. The move by state and local governments – mostly in New York and California – comes half a year after federal officials in the Consumer Product Safety Commission began floating the idea of banning the stoves […]
By Arsenio Toledo
CNN correspondent ADMITS Biden “regularly” asks social media companies to act as SPEECH POLICE and censor content
Phil Mattingly, CNN’s chief White House correspondent, believes news outlets should surrender whenever the government demands that they censor certain subjects. Mattingly made this brazen suggestion on the Wednesday, July 5, broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” where he was serving as a guest co-host with main presenter Poppy Harlow. He said this after admitting that “more […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Study ranks Singapore as the best state in the world while the US is in 23rd place
A new study from Germany believes that Singapore is the best state in the world while the U.S. is only in 23rd place. Researchers from the Julius Maximilian University of Wurzburg (JMUW) in Bavaria have come up with a ranking system known as the Stateness Index, which measures the “stateness” and state quality of the world’s countries through […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Supreme Court rules affirmative action UNCONSTITUTIONAL, counts as RACIAL PREJUDICE
The Supreme Court has ruled that race-based college admissions quotas – also known as affirmative action – are unconstitutional according to the Fourteenth Amendment. The ruling stems from a case brought to the Supreme Court by a coalition of over 20,000 students, prospective university applicants and their parents in 2014 against Harvard University and the University of North Carolina (UNC), […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Facial recognition tech deployed at Chinese gas stations – people on social credit blacklist can’t refuel
Footage coming out of China indicates that facial recognition systems are now being installed even at gas stations. The footage strongly suggests that Chinese citizens not in good standing in the social credit system may be ineligible for refueling. Videos posted on social media show how customers at one gas station somewhere in China are being […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Only 16% of Americans would support adoption of CBDC, survey finds
A survey has found that a vast majority of Americans do not support the widespread adoption of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the United States. This was according to a survey conducted by the libertarian think tank the Cato Institute in collaboration with market research and polling company YouGov, known as the “Cato Institute […]
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