Learn how to reclaim your sovereignty and fight government tyranny through jury nullification – WATCH at REAL.video

Americans have a little-known weapon at their disposal to shut down government tyranny in an instant, and it’s known as jury nullification.

A recent episode of “Sovereignty International,” available for viewing at REAL.video, discusses jury nullification at length, revealing how the Founding Fathers incorporated this powerful tool of justice into the Constitution as a failsafe against totalitarianism.

In a nutshell, jury nullification allows jurors – everyday people like you and I – to nullify court cases in which innocent people are being prosecuted for breaking unjust laws. One example of an unjust law is cannabis prohibition, an unconstitutional “law” that violates the natural right of Americans to use plants.

There are many other examples of unjust laws – red-light cameras that ticket drivers without a real-life officer present; property owners facing large fines or possible jail time for growing vegetables in their yards; and even capturing rainwater in barrels without “permission.”

Pretty much any scenario in which a free individual is facing prosecution for a “crime” involving laws that are unjust or unconstitutional warrants jury nullification – otherwise the police state will only continue to grow larger and more authoritarian.

“The state is indistinguishable from a criminal cartel,” explains the Jury Nullification module at REAL.video. “And jury nullification would put a stop to it.”

Watch the full video below:

Nullify EVERYTHING and reign in shadow government tyranny

Keep in mind that when talking about unjust laws, the concept is bipartisan. It doesn’t matter if the sitting president is a Republican or a Democrat, the threat of injustice is always present – and will always grow unless the people actively fight against it.

“Politics won’t fix a system that is broken beyond repair,” explains The Tenth Amendment Center, a strong advocate of jury nullification.

“No matter who sits in the White House, the shadow government will continue to call the shots behind the scenes … Relying on the courts to restore justice seems futile … Indeed, with every ruling handed down, it becomes more apparent that we live in an age of hollow justice, with government courts, largely lacking in vision and scope, rendering narrow rulings focused on the letter of the law.”

Though Supreme Court precedent establishes that Americans are sovereigns, and that their government works for them – and not the other way around – injustice is growing because the people refuse to reign it in.

“It’s because of the ignorance and stupidity of the people,” explains Sovereignty International about the reason why this country is in dire straits.

Is the situation hopeless, though? Certainly not. The Tenth Amendment Center advocates for a policy of nullifying everything – the rationale being that drastic measures are required during urgent times such as this.

“[I]f there is any means left to us for thwarting the government in its relentless march towards outright dictatorship, it may rest with the power of juries and local governments to invalidate governmental laws, tactics and policies that are illegitimate, egregious or blatantly unconstitutional,” the Tenth Amendment Center explains.

The group points to the infamous Malheur National Wildlife Refuge incident as recent evidence of the effectiveness of jury nullification. The Oregon jury involved with the case, if you missed it, ruled that the government’s attempts to prosecute seven activists who staged the armed takeover were invalid, thus freeing them from potential jail time.

“Jury nullification works,” says the Tenth Amendment Center. “Imagine … a world where the citizenry – not the government or its corporate controllers – actually calls the shots and determines what is just.”

“This is where the power of jury nullification is so critical: to reject inane laws and extreme sentences and counteract the edicts of a profit-driven governmental elite that sees nothing wrong with jailing someone for a lifetime for a relatively insignificant crime.”

Be sure to watch the full video at REAL.video.

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